Project location: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

Project Description: Internal and external finishing works, including:

1- Plastering and painting.

2- Paving works.

3-Electrical and mechanical works.

Project Location: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - AlUla

Project Description: Demolition, removal, and relocation of a gas station, including buildings, tanks and fences

Project location: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Jeddah.

Project Description: Implementation of reinforced concrete and rebar works, carpentry work, and pouring of several concrete elements, starting with the bases, column necks, tensioners, pillars, concrete slabs, ceilings, and beams.

The total quantity

1- Cleaning concrete: 61 m3

2- Armed bases: 278 m3

3- Column necks: 60 m3

4- Ground bridges: 240 m3

5- Concrete slab: 11,400 m2

6- Inverted bridges: 60 m3

Project Location: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

Project Description: Supply and implementation of reinforced concrete works, rebar, carpentry works, and pouring several concrete elements, starting with the bases, column necks, tensioners, supports, concrete slabs, ceilings, and beams.

The total quantity of concrete

1- Clean concrete 15,877 m2

2- Armed bases 5,255 m3

3- Tensioners 932 m3

4- Al-Reqab 625 m3

Project Location: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Al-Ula Governorate

Project description: Design and construction of a building made of concrete foundations and a metal structure, one floor, with an area of 850 square metres, including:

1- Infrastructure and superstructure

2- Electricity and Mechanics

3- Fire control and alarm

4- Cameras and audio system

5- Internal and external finishing.

6- Football, basketball, tennis, and wild card courts

7- Green spaces and pedestrian walkways

Project location: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Project description: Implementation of concrete works for King Abdullah Mosque station in total quantities reaching 57 thousand cubic metres of

1- Reinforced concrete, from foundation work to upper ceilings, including:

2- Concrete foundations with a thickness of 2.5 to 3.25 metres and quantities of 15,250 cubic metres.

3- Concrete walls, 1.98 metres thick, 9 metres high, and quantities of 15,230 cubic metres.

4- Concrete columns, 1,300 cubic metres.

5- Concrete ceilings with a thickness of up to 1.5 metres and quantities of 25,345 cubic metres